Safety Association of Rhode Island Meeting - Thursday, June 25th, 2020 - 9:00 AM
Safety Association of Rhode Island Meeting Announcement
Thursday, June 25th, 2020
Continuing the tradition of networking and meeting quarterly over breakfast. SARI will be moving online, at least for June. So grab a coffee and your own breakfast sandwich and join us.
Topic: Rhode Island and South East Massachusetts safety professionals and general members to discuss success stories in the face of COVID. Focus for this discussion will be on Opening for Business. Any member who would like to speak or discuss a certain topic, please email
When: 25 June 9:00AM
Where: Microsoft Teams Video, Audio or dial in
Other News: The SARI Board of Directors voted to extend the 2020 dues payment and membership window. We understand that most of the benefit we enjoy is meeting in person. While we plan to return to that in September, we have adjusted the dues billing/membership term to September vs June. This means there is still time to pay your $35.00 2020 dues. Thank you for your support!
Please reserve your seat today by emailing Peter Turner at
Safety Association of Rhode Island | SARI | P.O. Box #6606, Providence, RI 02940